Monday, March 13, 2017

The New Celebrity Edge is Going to Be Stunning!

We know that for modern adventurers, travel isn’t a spectator sport. It’s about being fully immersed in new destinations and cultures without sacrificing comfort and style. 

Celebrity Cruises gets this.  And now they’ve made the destination experience even more immersive, starting right on board.

From its unique outward-facing design to the industry-first Magic Carpet that reaches heights of 13 stories above sea level, Celebrity Edge breaks from traditional ship design. 

Edge Class pushes the boundaries of cruise ship architecture from bow to stern, and everywhere in between. From urban condo-inspired accommodations to the industry-first Magic Carpet, they’ve reinvented what’s possible on a Celebrity Cruises vacation.

They also carefully selected a team of the world’s best designers, based on their portfolios as well as their inexperience with cruise ships and cruising.

That’s right. They sought out designers who were new to the cruise industry, because they wanted to ensure every aspect of Celebrity Edge would be a departure from traditional thinking about cruising.

 Visionaries who would bring a completely fresh perspective to ship design—and it looks like they got exactly that with their team of renowned designers.

Kelly Hoppen, MBE - Accommodations
Tom Wright - Exterior Profile Design
Nate Berkus - Design Ambassador

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